Press Release

VOCAL-TX Responds to SCOTUS Decision to Criminalize Homelessness & Poverty

CONTACT: Cate Graziani,, 919-360-1007 VOCAL-TX RESPONDS TO SCOTUS DECISION TO CRIMINALIZE HOMELESSNESS & POVERTY The Answer to Ending Homelessness is Permanent, Affordable Housing — Not Fines, Tickets and Incarceration AUSTIN, Texas — The U.S. Supreme Court today decided that the U.S. Constitution does not protect people who are unhoused against cruel and unusual punishment, even when […]

VOCAL-TX Responds to SCOTUS Decision to Criminalize Homelessness & Poverty Read More »

VOCAL-TX Launches Campaign to Fix Austin’s Rapid Rehousing Program, Invest in Housing the Poor

CONTACT: Paulette Soltani,  VOCAL-TX LAUNCHES CAMPAIGN TO FIX AUSTIN’S RAPID REHOUSING PROGRAM, INVEST IN HOUSING THE POOR Find Campaign Policy Brief and Firsthand Accounts of the Rapid Rehousing Program Here View Pictures From Today’s Rally Here AUSTIN, Texas — Today, VOCAL-TX unveiled a new campaign, Stop the Clock: Fix Austin’s Rapid Rehousing Program and

VOCAL-TX Launches Campaign to Fix Austin’s Rapid Rehousing Program, Invest in Housing the Poor Read More »